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(Posted July 2, 2021)

Thanks to everyone who supported our school renovation projects! Work has begun in all three schools and will continue over the summer.

All three schools will have new replacement insulation completed in the next two weeks. The crews have been working since the beginning of June replacing old worn out, inefficient insulation in our buildings. This, of course, will make our schools much more energy efficient and we will no longer be losing much of our heat out the walls and attics. In many cases, the 40 year old insulation had worn so thin that air was leaking from every possible exit.

All three schools will be receiving new energy efficient lighting to replace the old and inefficient lighting we've had since the beginning. Efficiency Maine will be rebating thousands of dollars to the schools for this project. Our kids and staff will no longer have to strain their eyes under the old, often blinking fluorescent lighting in every classroom. 

New boilers and heat controls will be installed in each boiler room. This alone will increase our energy use efficiency and lower our oil bills. Each boiler room will be brought up to code as well. New ventilation units will be installed at Beal's this summer and at JES and JBHS next summer. The national supply chain shortage has delayed shipment of ventilation equipment all across the nation. 

The High School will finally get a new roof and new tiling this summer as well. The roof is years beyond its expected life and we are grateful it lasted this long. The old, impossible to clean carpeting in the hallways and library will be replaced with new, easy to maintain, tiling. If you have had a chance to see the new tiling at Jonesport Elementary, you'll see what a tremendous difference it makes in the overall appearance of the school. 

Thanks again to the community for your support of our schools, our students and staff!!

Lew Collins


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