Jonesport School Board Meeting September 20, 2023 @ 5p.m.
(Posted September 13, 2023)
Re: Jonesport School Committee Meeting
Place: Jonesport Elementary Library
Date: Wednesday September 20, 2023
Time: 5:00 p.m.
1. Call to Order and Pledge
2. Approval of Minutes of August 22, 2023 meeting
3. Public Comment Session (Up to 20 minutes)
4. Policy First Reading – DJH (see attached)
5. Final Reading of Procedure GCF-R (see attached)
6. Discussion of Bullying/Harassment Policy and how it is implemented within school
7. Discussion of Substitute Pay
8. Discussion of Coach Notification of Hiring Process
9. Discussion of Basketball Skills Grades 3, 4, and 5
10. Other
11. Adjournment
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